Photographs can change the world

Projects to raise awareness for community advocacy groups

Photographs are powerful communication tools. They reach through and touch our hearts because they remind us of our shared humanity.

At Unseen Streets we partner with community advocacy groups to create images that show marginalized people in a new light. Our images provide a vivid portrait of the real people behind the stereotypes.

The internet and social media are powerful tools for fundraising and awareness. Great photographs allow you to use these channels effectively, so that the public get related to the people you want to help.

Our projects allow you to increase your power and reach, connect newly with donors and patrons as well as create fundraising spin-offs by way of events, calendars and artwork.

Our recent projects

2014 Calendar Project

In 2014, we created the Unseen Streets Association to produce an evocative calendar to raise funds for the Outreach Program that supports homeless people on Salt Spring Island.

The project intended to use portraits to create awareness about the challenges faced by those who are often ignored in our idyllic island life. As such, the calendar featured 12 portraits that exposed the joy/humour, complexity and diversity of our sometimes-unseen neighbours.


2015 Gifted Images

This photography project is intended to foster inclusion in community. During the project, volunteer photographers from the community taught photography to a group of people with developmental handicaps from GIFTS and New Beginnings.

The project culminated in an opening reception and public exhibition of works created by participants. A selection of photos taken by the participants is hanging at G.I.F.T.S. 152 McPhillips Ave, Salt Spring Island, BC

A Wider Range of Normal

She walked into the breakfast restaurant with her long flowing skirt, silk flowers in her hair and bright red lips, chatting to herself.  She sashayed to the serving station, helped herself to a cup of coffee and left.  Bemused, I asked our server if Marcie regularly... read more

The Horse that’s a Healer

Is it possible to see the unconditional love of an animal for it’s human? What sense does a horse use to judge a person?  What does a person get (physiologically, psychologically and socially) from their connection with an animal? This is Suzy and her horse Hidalgo. ... read more

Tell us about your project idea

Are you a community group that supports disadvantaged or marginalized people?

Would you be interested in creating an Unseen Streets Project to raise awareness for your cause?

We’d love to hear from you.

3 + 11 =